Sire: Hollywood Playboy
Dam: Ruby’s Miss Kitty
Dam’s Sire: Ruby’s Red Rocker V.
Birth Year: 2018
Color: Gray, born Sorrel
Stallion’s Biography: Cat Daddy is one of the most exciting young stallions the breed has to offer! With his Size, Exceptional Reach, and Undeniable Style, we believe this makes him the perfect outcross with todays Jester bred mares. His pedigree boasts of WGC greats like, Outlaw’s Patriot, Missouri Red Wing, Southern Playboy, and Lady’s Red Ruby J. We are more than pleased with his first foal on the ground!
Offspring Accomplishments: First Foal will be 2 in 2025
Standing at:
Steve Dampier & Sons, Joe Dampier
Phillipsburg, MO
Contact Information:
Stud Fee: Private Treaty
Breeding Methods: